Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Why take things for granted?

Something a friend of mine said a few months ago really summed up just how I have been feeling about things since I returned from St. Petersburg, Russian Federation. She said, "Life, I think, is so much better when you're a constant tourist." And it really is. Being from Oklahoma City, I never grew up with some of the world's finest outside my front door and never understood how people could take all of that for granted. The thing I didn't pay attention to, though, was that I was taking my state for granted. Oklahoma is a great place. It isn't filled with outrageously large cities or architectural genius, but it does have some amazingly beautiful scenery, museums that are special in their own right, friendly people, and its fair share of history.

Since I have been back, I have tried to live everyday as though it were an adventure in a place I have never been. Though school takes away from the little pleasures, I have managed to still enjoy myself to the fullest and live life with a new found appreciation. I've been traveling a lot more than I normally do (even if it has been mostly to satisfy my nerdy anime loving, gamer self), but I have also been learning to seek out the things that make these places special.

My goal is to share some of this with you. To help you gain an appreciation for where you live. After all, life is indeed better as a constant tourist.

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